Monday, August 30, 2010


1999 gründete Max und Fabian die Band "Morgart". Vorgängig spielte man jedoch bereits über Jahre in verschiedenen Schweizer Black-Metal-Formationen und sammelte Erfahrungen.Im luzernischen Littau fanden Morgart einen geeigneten Proberaum um ihre musikalischen Vorstellungen zu verwirklichen. Dort wurde auch das gleichnamige Studio "Morgart 1315" eingerichtet. Max und Fabian suchten längere Zeit nach weiteren Mitstreitern, jedoch fand man nicht die geeigneten Schwarzzünftler. Daher werden mit einem Computer die Drums programmiert und das Keyboard eingespielt.

Morgart ist es gelungen symphonische und abwechslungsreiche Songs zu kreieren. Von düsteren Orgeln bis zu majestätischen Streichern und hymnenhaften Bläsern, bietet der Sound von Morgart, zusammen mit Gitarre und Bass, eine optimale, düstere und atmosphärische Stimmung.

Für das soeben neu erschienene Album hat Eugen Müller der u.a. in Musicals wie Space Dream mitwirkt die kurzen Gesangspassagen über die Luzerner Stadtmauer eingesungen. Höhrt einfach mal rein und macht Euch euer eigenes Bild.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wyclef Jean will not be the next president of Haiti

Hip-hop artist Wyclef Jean was banned to participate in the election in his homeland Haiti.

He composed a new song about it .

the song is called -  Prizon pou K.E.P.A

The song is in Haitian language Creole , is a protest against the the election commity

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Boy George on his way to perform in Israel

At last , Boy George is coming to the holy land.

This decade (80's) takes me back to when I used to listen to my walkman as I walked to school.

George is one of my favorite 80's artists.

I really miss the 80's... good music ... good times... good memories...

Watch Jon Moss interview - Culture Club drummer (1985, Israeli TV) :

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Black Crows - She is Heroine Adddict

Beautiful song.

It is about young woman who is messed up after her child is take away from her because she can't care for him because she is a heroine addict.

The power of music is so amazing.

Too bad they are breaking up.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Social Network - I don't belong here !!

This new movie ia about how Facebook began , including the shit the people who created it.

The girls, drugs and booze , the fights, the blood shed, the emptiness, it's about a bunch of desperate people.

Not just Mark Zuckerberg , all his so called friends...

In the movie they inserted this choir singing weird version of Creep of Radiohaed.(Creep by scala and kolacny brothers)

I must say the words get new meaning watching the movie...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sweetest girl

Cool song ever...

It seems to me that this is about prostitutes ...

Lil wayne and Akon aren't usually that good , but both, along with wyclef , they really touch the soul in this smashing hit.

I want you to remember - Wyclef Jean is from Haiti!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Unvoiced

... The Unvoiced comes from the collaboration of the two founding members, Julien B. and Amélie G. At the beginning it was only a voice and the strings of an old acoustic guitar. Some songs were create, others were forgotten but a thing always remained, the passion of music, the need to explore new avenues and especially, the dream of any artist, to make a career, a life… Julien and Amélie played music everywhere, in the basement, in the parks, the cemeteries, the music stores, anywhere… But, The Unvoiced, wished something more for a long time, the powerful sound, the harmonies, the melodies and... the solos!! Then Lucas P., a former friend of Julien, resurfaces, the same passion which bound them friendship at school, playing guitar, is never extinct. Lucas joined the band. Then, Jayson arrived at the drum but The Unvoiced is not really the musical style he was looking for, the motivation fades and he leaves the band. But soon Cédric A. and François D. join the ranks of The Unvoiced as drummer and bass player. The same members of an old formation, named Deceit, form now The Unvoiced, the band is complete around March and April 2007. In the following weeks and months, the practices and jams bring the creation of new songs to life… In 2009, The Unvoiced enters in studio for the first time to record their debut album, the date of the exit is still unknown but a regular update will keep you informed!! The Unvoiced is always opened to meet other bands for shows or eventual colaboration!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

So we dance ...

This hit was released in September 2009 in Belgium and in February 2010 in the rest of Europe. The song reached the top position on the official music charts all over Europe...

The guy "played by Stromae himself" shows a guy stressed in work and in life basicly.

My older son discovered it 5 months ago...

He said it would become a smashing hit - he was right !

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


AXENSTAR was formed by Peter Johansson (guitar) and Magnus Ek (bass) as a Metal-cover band 1998 under the name Powerage, after several member changes the line up that took the name Axenstar in 2001 was Magnus Eriksson (Vocals & Keyboards), Thomas Eriksson (lead & rhythm guitar), Peter Johansson (rhythm & lead guitar), Magnus Ek (bass) and Pontus Jansson (drums).

In October 2002 Axenstar released their debut album Perpetual Twilight on the Spanish label Arise Records. The second album Far From Heaven was recorded during May of 2003 and just about a week after the recordings were done Axenstar played at the mighty Sweden Rock Festival, which was a great experience for the band, and in January 2004 the opportunity was given to go ahead on their first European Tour as the opening act to Falconer.

The third album The Inquisition saw the light of day in 2005, but the same year Peter Johansson and Thomas Eriksson left the band. After that third release the contract with Arise Records was over and Axenstar started looking for a new deal, now joining forces with Joakim Jonsson (Psychopunch, Skyfire, Mist of Avalon) on lead guitar.

In the autumn of 2005 a new deal was signed with German label Massacre Records and in the spring of 2006 the fourth album The Final Requiem was recorded. After the release of the fourth album there were more changes to come within the band and bassplayer Magnus Ek and drummer Pontus Jansson soon left due to lack of time.
Drummer Thomas Ohlsson and bassist Henrik Sedell just stayed in the band for about a year.

In 2008 Magnus and Joakim recorded a new yet untitled album and in december 2008 drummer Adam Lindberg (Intrive) joined the band. A few months later guitarist Jens Klovegård (Liquid Suicide) also joined the band
We are on the hunt for almost any kind of shows or festivals!

David Gueta will show in Israel

David Guetta is the greatest DJ in the world.

His wonderful beating songs arse smashing hits all over the planet!!

In September he will be here in Israel for the show of his life...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yauch for culture freedom

Adam Yauch , the Beasty Boys star , has called the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to reconsider again their decision about the adult rating to new Holocaust documentary "A Film Unfinished".

He said that the film is "too important" to be banned from the public and especially from schools.

The powerful documentary, written and directed by Yael Hersonski, documents an unfinished Nazi propaganda film shot in 1942.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ramallah Tel Aviv RULES !!!

Balkan Beat Box is my new group..

They call themselves Balkan beat box, because their influences also come from south-eastern Europe.

Yet they are from Israel and the founders of the group (Muskat & Kaplan) are living in New York.

Their music is great !!!